Sunday, February 24, 2008


So, I went down to watch our boys' and girls' basketball teams play in the KCAA Tournament yesterday. I thought for sure that the road trip back would not be that bad. Snow was in the forecast for Wichita, but based off of what I saw, it looked like the snow would be not much farther north than that.
It turns out that I (and just about every other meteorologist) was wrong on this storm system. It moved farther north than expected, dropping snow almost to Topeka. That made the trip back home far more of an adventure than I would have liked. What should have been a 2-hour drive back from Wichita turned into a 3-1/2-hour-long, white-knuckle adventure of trying to stay on the road. The turnpike was completely snow-packed from Wichita all the way to the Shawnee County line (and a bit beyond). Most of the trip, I was only able to travel at 40 mph at best. Passing proved impossible, since there was only one "lane" that wasn't under at least an inch of packed snow. I don't think I would have set out from Wichita at all if the road condition hotline had accurately described the road condition of the turnpike. Instead, though, it said that the road conditions from Emporia northeastward was "Normal Seasonal Conditions," a statement that proved to be totally incorrect. I'm not sure where the hotline got its information from, but it was totally incorrect in this case. Oh, well. I made it home safely, praise God! Now, I can get set for a new week. Soccer is just around the corner.

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