Monday, December 10, 2007

Prince Caspian Trailer...I'm Concerned

I've just watched the first trailer for the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and I have to say that overall it looks like it will be an interesting movie. Unfortunately, it also looks like it's going to deviate from the book (and embellish) on it far more than The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe did. There are several little hints I saw that concern me, but I'm not going to mention any of them. I'm going to take a "wait and see" attitude regarding this movie. Hopefully, it won't deviate as much as I'm concerned that it will.


incurable optimist said...

Let's stay optimistic. Some movies are very good representations of their movie counterparts. Maybe Walden Media will satisfy.

Prince of Spades said...

I was thinking that Caspian himself was younger than he appeared in the trailer, and more specifically, younger than the Pevensies, but maybe the latter was more of a stature/position thing than actual age. I agree that there are several things from the trailer that didn't seem to match up w/ the book, but I'm okay with some creative license, if it's made for good cinematic reasons. Otherwise the movies can be almost boring in their straightforward transfer from page to screen (see Harry Potter 1 & 2).

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Both good points. After the whole Faramir fiasco in the Lord of the Rings, I am always concerned that Hollywood will find a way to mess it up. Still, I'll give it a fair chance. :-) Just was a bit surprised by some of what I saw.

incurable optimist said...

My mom was ANGRY when she came back from seeing Two Towers. That was the only one she only saw once in theatres. She said she leaned over to my dad in the theatre and said, "What are they doing to my Faramir?" He's her favourite character. So, she was angry.