Saturday, February 10, 2007

Alternate Hot Drinks

I don't like coffee, and I don't like tea. However, there are some cold mornings when I would like to drink something warm with breakfast. Hot cocoa just isn't right for some reason, so I thought I'd try an experiment: hot cola. I normally drink pop at room temperature, anyway, so the thought of it heated to the same temperature as tea is not as repulsive to me as it is to some. Still, would it taste fine?
To find out, I took about 4 ounces of a name brand cola, poured it in a microwave-safe cup, and heated it for the appropriate amount of time. The resulting beverage was unpleasant to drink. It lost some of its carbonation due to heating (the carbon dioxide is already loosely embedded in the drink, heating only exacerbated the degassing process). It lost the crisp, sweet taste that I normally associate with this particular cola. Instead, it was more of a semi-flat, semi-syrupy, mostly disgusting concoction. I now know why people do not serve colas hot. They taste terrible.
The question to solve now: what to drink? What warm beverage could I drink in the morning that is neither tea nor coffee nor cocoa? That question will have to be put on hold for another day.


Anonymous said...

plantation mint tea...
from your little sis

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Hot cider would be great, if I could find it throughout the year and not just in the late fall/early winter. If you know where I can get it, please tell me.

Anonymous said...

You can usually get large boxes of spiced cider mix at your local Sam's Club. :)