War weariness is setting in for some Americans. They understandably are tired of hearing about what's wrong in Iraq. Of course, there's a lot of good being done in Iraq. The media, of course, ignores this. Notice, for example, that the majority of the problems are centered in one or two spots within the country. Overall, the country is in pretty good shape.
A more significant problem right now, though, is the constant attack by "peace" activists on the war. "The US is the weapon of mass destruction", they claim. "If we leave, Iraq will be better off." I want to take a second to respond to these two claims because they are false and because they fail to take into account the attitude of the enemy.
First, to blame the US for damage done to civilians by the Iraqi opposition is like blaming the Allies during World War II for the damage done during the Battle of Britain. The enemy is the one causing the damage, not the US. It is the Islamic terrorists who are driving explosive-laden cars into marketplaces, not the US government. It is terrorists who ambush Iraqi and US military convoys, not caring if they hit civilians in the process.
Now, some argue that the radical element in Iraq would stop attacking if the US weren't there. "Iraq will be peaceful if the US leaves," they claim. This statement shows an inherent lack of understanding about the enemy is. Our enemy is going to attack anyone and everyone who disagrees with them. Their sole goal is to establish an Islamic theocracy in Iraq, and anyone who stands in their way must convert, flee, or be killed. There is no true peace with them. If the US were not there, providing support and even fighting, Iraq would degenerate into civil war between the moderate Muslim majority and a fanatical group of Islamic fascists. The "peace" activists operate under the flawed humanist assumption that everyone is inherently good and that given the choice, each person would chose to live a quiet life and mind his own business. The history of the world shows otherwise. These terrorists will go attack somewhere else if they weren't attacking the Iraqis. The only way to have peace is not to retreat into a protective shell. We have to fight. Such is the way of this fallen world.
1 comment:
You could definitely say war weariness is setting in. I almost wish that it will end soon just so that I won't have to hear people complaining about it so much. I like to read the New York Times occasionally because we get it free here at college, and almost every day there is an editorial criticizing the Bush administration's actions in Iraq, and doomsayers forecasting no results in the future.
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