Saturday, June 13, 2009

Media Bias or Non-story?

I ran across an interesting story from my old hometown today. You can read an article discussing the story here. To summarize, a conservative political science teacher in Lawrence, KS, has not had his contract renewed for next year. He is protesting the decision, claiming that it was political bias that cost him the job, not poor teaching.
I don't have enough information about the situation to know whether that is the case, of course. There could be many factors at work here, none of them political. It would not totally surprise me if someone was fired for his political views, though. Having grown up in Lawrence, I can tell you that it is the most politically-liberal city in Kansas. Conservative ideas are not looked on as being good, but the people who hold conservative political views are still treated with respect on those rare occasions that they dare speak their mind. The seeds are there, then, for a teacher to be fired for his political views, but it seems unlikely at the same time.
The whole story of this situation doubtless will come out in time, but the part that fascinates me about the whole story is the complete lack of coverage from any local news source. (You'll notice that I ran across this on FoxNews...and lest you accuse me of reading biased news, I'll point out that I also read the equally-biased CNN to get a bit of a counterpoint.) The Lawrence Journal-World, the paper that should be covering this story, has nothing about it. The Topeka Capital-Journal, usually quick to pick up on discrimination stories, has nothing on it. Now, noticing the nature of the story and the lack of coverage, I have to wonder would have happened if a political liberal had been non-renewed and made the same claims. Would the LJW and CJ have picked up the story and trumpted it from the front page? Or would they also have left it be, considering it a non-story? I don't know. And I refuse to speculate. But it is something that the journalists at both papers need to ask themselves if they truly want to stay balanced in their approach to the news.

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