Sunday, October 21, 2007

LWW Quiz 16

31. In what manner does the White Witch leave Aslan’s camp?
a. She is carried on a chair on poles
b. She walks
c. She dances
d. She runs

32. After conferring with the Witch, Aslan orders the entire army to move its encampment to what location?
a. Cair Paravel
b. The Fords of Beruna
c. The Beaver’s house
d. He doesn’t order the army to move camp


Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

31. Movie: a; Book: d
32. Movie: d; Book: b

Foolish Thing Nine said...

KCAA - what are you guys seeded at? How has your season been? My parents were most unhelpful in terms of records and seedings and how the tourney is going to go. What's the deal with having both games on Friday?