Monday, June 05, 2006

Commentary: "Gay" Marriage

I keep noticing that most media outlets keep referring to the upcoming vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment as being about "gay marriage". There's a major problem with this phrase. It makes it sound like a homosexual person is forbidden from getting married. He's not. He can get married, so long as he marries someone of the opposite gender who is of legal age. The issue, rather, is whether we should allow "same-sex marriage", a concept that would undermine the fabric of society: traditional marriage. So, in discussing it as "gay marriage", the media is once again showing its bias against traditional marriage by making marriage sound like a right. It's not. Because if it were, I could validly claim that my right to marry a beautiful woman of God has been violated for these past 10 or so years (ever since I turned 18). :-)


B. D. Mooneyham said...

That's a good distinction.

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

And one that's not being made often enough. In debating this issue, it's important to make sure that the terms being used don't back us into a rhetorical corner from the beginning.