Sunday, October 23, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 9

Question 27 – During their stay in Lorien, at least one member of the Company looks into the Mirror of Galadriel. Who looks into the Mirror?
a. Frodo and Sam
b. Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn
c. Frodo
d. Frodo, Sam, Gimli, and Legolas

Question 28 – As they row down the River Anduin, the Fellowship is followed by someone. Who follows them?
a. The Uruk-hai
b. Gollum
c. Saruman
d. No one follows them

Question 29 – Who says, “A shadow and a threat has been growing [in my mind.]”?
a. Aragorn
b. Legolas
c. Boromir
d. Frodo

Question 30 –Frodo has just climbed down from the seat of Amon Hen, where he has seen Sauron’s eye searching for him. What happens next?
a. He takes the Ring, throws it into the River, and goes home
b. He puts on the Ring and tries to cross the River alone
c. He meets Aragorn, who breaks out into another long song about Arwen
d. Aragorn meets him, refuses to take the Ring, and sends Frodo on his way

27. Movie: c; Book: a
28. Movie: d; Book: b
29. Movie: b; Book: a
30. Movie: d; Book: b

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

You got the book once, the movie twice, and missed one (#28). In the movie, the Uruk-hai aren't following the Fellowship down the River; they're running eastward to try to intercept the Fellowship.