Monday, November 28, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 35

Question 99 – Who puts the crown of Gondor on Aragorn?
a. Frodo
b. Gandalf
c. Arwen
d. Elrond

Question 100 – Whom do the hobbits run into as return from Minas Tirith to the Shire?
a. No one
b. The army of the dead
c. Saruman and Grima Wormtongue
d. Radagast the Brown

Question 101 – What do the hobbits do when they arrive at the Shire?
a. They start a travel agency
b. They ride up to Bag End, dressed richly
c. They never go back to the Shire
d. They raise up the Shire to arms to fight against Saruman’s men, who have taken over the Shire and are mistreating the hobbits

99. Movie: b; Book: a
100. Movie: a; Book: c
101. Movie: b; Book: d

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 34

Question 96 – Who nearly gets killed by a troll at the Battle of the Black Gate?
a. Gandalf
b. Pippin
c. Merry
d. Aragorn

Question 97 – How does Gollum die?
a. He stumbles over the edge of the cliff inside Mount Doom
b. He chokes on some bad Orc
c. Frodo knocks him over the cliff inside Mount Doom
d. Sam stabs him

Question 98 – What happens to the White Tree in the Citadel of Minas Tirith?
a. It starts to flower anew
b. It is destroyed in the Battle of Minas Tirith
c. It dies
d. It is dug up and replaced with a new white tree found by Aragorn

96. Movie: d; Book: b
97. Movie: c; Book: a
98. Movie: a; Book: d

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 33

Question 93 – What do Aragorn and company do to the Mouth of Sauron?
a. Invite him to a “Meet Your New Neighbors” barbeque at Osgiliath
b. Legolas shoots him the moment he speaks
c. Aragorn chops off his head
d. Nothing. They refuse his offers and are attacked

Question 94 – When does Aragorn officially enter the city of Minas Tirith?
a. Right after the battle of the Pelennor
b. Before the battle of Pelennor
c. Not until after the Battle at the Black Gate
d. He never enters the city

Question 95 – Which hobbits go to the Battle of the Black Gate? (Choose all that apply)
a. Frodo
b. Sam
c. Merry
d. Pippin

93. Movie: c; Book: d
94. Movie: a; Book: c
95. Movie:c, d; Book: d

Monday, November 21, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 32

Question 90 – When does Eomer realize what has happened to Eowyn?
a. Right after she kills the Nazgul king
b. When she’s brought to the Houses of Healing
c. At the end of the movie
d. Not until the end of the battle

Question 91 – Where does Merry find Pippin after the battle?
a. Wandering around the city streets
b. On the field of battle
c. Osgiliath
d. The Houses of Healing

Question 92 – In what location is the decision made to attack the Black Gate?
a. In the throne room of Minas Tirith
b. At Osgiliath
c. In tents outside the city
d. At Edoras

90. Movie: a; Book: d
91. Movie: b; Book: a
92. Movie: a; Book: c

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 31

Question 87 – How is Theoden thrown from his horse?
a. He isn’t
b. It slips on oil
c. An arrow hits the horse and causes it toss Theoden
d. The Nazgul’s flying beast tosses them

Question 88 – At how many battles do Gimli and Legolas hold their counting contest to see how many Orcs they can kill?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Question 89 – What happens to Eowyn after her fight with Nazgul?
a. She joins in the battle and kills more Orcs
b. She lays next to Theoden, critically wounded
c. She is nearly killed by Gothmog, the Orc lieutenant of Sauron
d. She rides to Osgiliath and meets Faramir

87. Movie: d; Book: c
88. Movie: b; Book: a
89. Movie: c; Book: b

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 30

Question 84 – Who says, “Ride to ruin and the world’s end! Death!”?
a. Gandalf
b. Theoden
c. Aragorn
d. Eomer

Question 85 – When does Eowyn say, “I am no man”?
a. Before she starts to fight the King of the Nazgul
b. Before she reaches Minas Tirith
c. Right before she kills the King of the Nazgul
d. After Aragorn rejects her

Question 86 – How does Denethor wind up on his funeral pyre?
a. He slips on some oil
b. He is knocked onto it by Gandalf’s horse, Shadowfax
c. Pippin pushes him onto it
d. He puts himself there

84. Movie: b; Book: d
85. Movie: c; Book: a
86. Movie: b; Book: d

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 29

Question 82 – When and where does Gandalf confront the King of the Nazgul?
a. Before the battle, in Osgiliath
b. After the main gate has been breached, right in front of the gate
c. After the main gate has been breached, on the wall of Minas Tirith
d. He never confronts him

Question 83 – What happens when Gandalf confronts the Head Nazgul?
a. Nothing. The Rohirrim arrive and the King Nazgul retreats
b. He and the Nazgul agree to go on the talk show circuit once the battle is over
c. Eowyn sneaks up and kills the Nazgul
d. The Nazgul breaks Gandalf’s staff

82. Movie: c; Book: b
83. Movie: d; Book: a

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 28

Question 79 – Where are the Nazgul during the Battle of Minas Tirith?
a. They aren’t at the battle
b. They stay on the ground near the wall
c. Out of bowshot above the city
d. Flying over the city, destroying catapults

Question 80 – How many orcs of the Tower of Cirith Ungol does Sam kill?
a. Zero
b. One
c. Two
d. A hundred

Question 81 – How far into Minas Tirith does the army of Mordor get?
a. All the way to the Citadel
b. The second circle
c. The third circle
d. They never make it in. The Rohirrim arrive and draw them off.

79. Movie: d; Book: c
80. Movie: c; Book: b (sort of...the orc trips and falls to its death in a fight)
81. Movie: a; Book: d

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 27

Question 76 – How many women and children remained in Minas Tirith during the siege?
a. Two thousand
b. All of the cities inhabitants remain
c. Just a few
d. One million

Question 77 – What happens to Gollum after Frodo leaves Shelob’s tunnel?
a. He gets in a fight with Frodo
b. He sneaks back to Minas Morgul
c. He disappears until he somehow tracks Frodo and Sam down later
d. He makes a guest appearance on Oprah

Question 78 – As the attack of Minas Tirith begins, what happens to Denethor?
a. He leads the defense of the city
b. He sits in his hall, mourning Faramir
c. He starts reciting Hamlet
d. He gets clubbed on the head by Gandalf

76. Movie: b; Book: c
77. Movie: a; Book: c
78. Movie: d Book: b

Monday, November 14, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 26

Question 74 – Why does Denethor despair? (choose as many as apply)
a. He realizes that he’s getting gray hair
b. One of his sons has died and his other is dying
c. Sauron has deceived him by controlling what Denethor sees through a palantir
d. We don’t know

Question 75 – The Army of the Dead helps Aragorn relieve the siege of what city?
a. Minas Tirith
b. Dol Amroth
c. Pelargir
d. Minas Ithil

74. Movie: b; Book: b, c (In the book, it's primarily c)
75. Movie: a; Book: c

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 25

Question 72– Who is the last person to talk with Theoden?
a. Merry
b. Eomer
c. Eowyn
d. Pippin

Question 73 – How does Denethor die?
a. He runs off the prow of the city, aflame
b. The chief Nazgul kills him
c. He burns to death in his tomb
d. Faramir kills him

72. Movie: c; Book: b (In the book, Theoden never even knows that Eowyn is there.)
73. Movie: a; Book: c (Denethor running all the way to the prow of the city is terribly unrealistic.)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 24

Question 70– Merry rides to Minas Tirith with a rider of Rohan. With whom does Merry think he is riding?
a. Gandalf
b. Dernhelm
c. Eowyn
d. Pippin

Question 71– At the siege of Minas Tirith, how are the mumakil killed?
a. We don’t know
b. They aren’t, and Aragorn uses them to form a circus act
c. Huge stones are flung onto them by catapults from inside the city
d. Legolas climbs on one and shoots it down, others are tripped, a few scamper away

70. Movie: c; Book: b
71. Movie: d; Book: a

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 23

Question 67 – At one point, Eowyn says that she fears “[t]o stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.” To whom does she tell this?
a. Theoden
b. Wormtongue
c. Aragorn
d. Eomer

Question 68 – Who lights the beacons of Gondor?
a. The men of Gondor, at Denethor’s command
b. Gimli
c. Pippin
d. Frodo

Question 69 – When are the beacons lit?
a. After the city is surrounded
b. After Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith
c. Before Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith
d. Before Aragorn sets out for the Black Gate

67. Movie: b; Book: c
68. Movie: c; Book: a
69. Movie: b; Book: c

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 22

Question 64 – How does Aragorn learn of the black fleet of Corsairs that is about to attack Pelargir?
a. He just knows; he’s smart like that
b. An eagle tells him
c. He sees it in the palantír of Isengard
d. Elrond tells him

Question 65 – When does Aragorn look into the palantír of Isengard?
a. While he’s staying at Helm’s Deep, just after returning from Isengard
b. Right before he takes the Paths of the Dead
c. When he’s in the throne room at Minas Tirith after the Battle of Pelannor
d. While he’s waiting for Arwen to finish doing her hair

Question 66 – How many horses do Aragorn and company lead through the Paths of the Dead?
a. None
b. Two
c. Three
d. Thirty-two

64. Movie: d; Book: c
65. Movie: c; Book: a
66. Movie: a; Book: d
(32 comes from the fact that Aragorn has his horse, Gimli and Legolas share a horse, and 30 Dunedain ride with them. The lack of the Dunedain is another difference, but I won't put it in a question since I just did it in an answer.)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 21

Question 62 – Orcs from the Tower of Cirith Ungol come to investigate what Shelob has been up to. How does Sam avoid being seen by the orcs?
a. He dresses up like an orc
b. He puts on the Ring
c. He hides behind rocks
d. He does not avoid it, and the orcs capture him

Question 63 – Returning to Rohan/Minas Tirith, when does Aragorn get Andruil, his sword?
a. When Elrond brings it to him at Dunharrow
b. He always has it, even when we first meet him at Bree
c. He finds it in a Cracker Jack box
d. When the Fellowship of the Ring initially leave Rivendell

62. Movie: c; Book: b
63. Movie: a; Book: d

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 20

Question 60 – After Gollum returns from sneaking off (and doing whatever he did), what does Frodo do?
a. He sings “If you’re happy and you know, clap your hands”
b. He wakes up and continues to climb the stairs with Sam and Gollum
c. He starts talking about all those people in old stories who never gave up
d. He sends Sam home

Question 61 – Who (besides Gollum) enters Shelob’s tunnel? (choose as many as apply)
a. Frodo
b. Gandalf
c. Sam
d. Aragorn

60. Movie: d; Book: b
61. Movie: a; Book: a, c

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 19

Question 58 – What happens during the attack at Osgiliath?
a. Frodo nearly gives the Ring to a Nazgul, but is rescued at the last second by Sam and Faramir
b. Frodo uses the Ring to destroy the attacking army
c. Faramir takes the Ring from Frodo and uses it to defend the city
d. Osgiliath?! Frodo never goes to Osgiliath!

Question 59 – Frodo, Sam, and Gollum reach Cirith Ungol and start climbing the stairs. They stop to sleep. What happens next?
a. Gollum sneaks off to visit Shelob
b. Gollum tosses the lembas down a cliff and then makes it look like Sam ate it
c. Frodo slips and falls to his death but manages to give Sam the Ring
d. Gollum attacks Frodo and Sam, takes the Ring, and then in his joy, falls over the cliff

58. Movie: a; Book: d
59. Movie: b; Book: a

Friday, November 04, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 18

Question 55 – Who tells Faramir that Frodo has the Ring?
a. Frodo
b. No one. He deduces it while he converses with Frodo.
c. Sam
d. Gollum

Question 56 – What does Faramir say when he realizes that Frodo has the Ring?
a. “I would not take this thing if it lay by the highway.”
b. “It should be mine, save an unhappy chance.”
c. “A chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality.”
d. “I want the Precious…gollum!”

Quesiont 57 – What does Faramir do with Frodo, Sam, and Gollum once he realizes that Frodo has the Ring?
a. He tries to take it from Frodo.
b. He sends them on their way, providing them with new provisions.
c. He tells about how he saw his dead brother in one of the boats of Lorien
d. He takes them to Osgiliath

55. Movie: d; Book: b
56. Movie: c; Book: a
57. Movie: d; Book: b

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 17

Question 52 – Who rescues Frodo after he falls into the water in the Dead Marshes?
a. Gollum/Sméagol
b. Sam
c. No one. He swims back to the surface.
d. He doesn’t fall into the water.

Question 53 – Frodo, Sam, and Gollum find the Black Gate unapproachable. What happens immediately after that?
a. Frodo hitches a ride on an eagle to Mount Doom
b. Gollum convinces Frodo to try a second way into Mordor
c. Sam slips down a gravelly hillside and is rescued by Frodo at the last minute
d. Peter Jackson shows up

Question 54 – Concerning a dead Southron soldier, who wonders “what the man’s name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil, or what lies and threats had led him on the long march from his home…”?
a. Faramir
b. Gollum
c. Sam
d. Frodo

52. Movie: a; Book: d
53. Movie: c; Book: b
54. Movie: a; Book: c

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rambling: LotR Quiz 16

Question 50 – As the company rides back from Isengard to Helm’s Deep, someone meets them. Who?
a. Saruman
b. Rangers from the North
c. Elrond
d. No one

Question 51 – What happens to Aragorn in the Paths of the Dead?
a. Not much. He summons the dead traitors to follow him to the Stone of Erech and they do.
b. Nothing. He can’t even get in.
c. He breaks into yet another long song about Arwen
d. He nearly gets into a fight with the King of the Dead, but is able to convince them to help him.

50. Movie: d; Book: b
51. Movie: d; Book: a